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The days of websites being brochures is long over. Now websites are needed to bring in leads. When built with lead development in mind web traffic is paramount to the success of your business. The number of visitors is directly proportional to the number of phone calls you’ll get.

Web traffic is top priority for most businesses who want to remain competitive. The most effective way to increase visits to your site is marketing messages that drive people to your site and optimizing your site. Having search engine optimized content about your business or products can especially help the search engines list your site on first page.

Here are some guidelines for getting more website traffic:

  • You need quality backlinks - your website is mentioned on other websites and link back to your site
  • Content proves your authority on the keywords your customers use to find your product or service
  • Get active on social media. Start using Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and/or others social sites to engage with your customers
Do you know if your website is bringing you more or less qualified traffic than your competitors? Want to find out? Complete the form and we'll provide a brief analysis comparing your site to as many as 3 of your competitors.